Monday, August 24, 2009

WSO2 Releases Eclipse IDE Tooling for WSAS and BPS

Saminda Wijerathna the lead of the WSO2 tooling team, announced the release of a new version of IDE tools for WSO2 WSAS and BPS. These tools will help you to write web services or web service clients and test them within your Eclipse IDE.

You can download the tools and the related documentation from

Here are the key features of the set of IDE tools,

  • Create Web services

  • Create web service client

  • Convert WSDL 1.1 to 2.0

  • Module and service validators

  • Creating wsdl from a java class

  • Create Axis2 archives

  • Hot update a Web service

  • Debug Web services

  • Test Web services

  • Conversion of WSDL 1.1 to 2.0 can now be done vice versa as well.

  • Creating Bpel archives for deploy

  • Start WSAS 3.0.x inside Eclipse

  • Run multiple instances of WSAS inside eclipse