- Priority based mediation through priority executors
- WS-Discovery support and dynamic endpoint discovery
- Message Relay for efficient pass through of messages
- Component manager to install and uninstall features (provisioning support)
- Common Internet File System (CIFS) support through the VFS transport
- File locking functionality in the VFS transport to support concurrent polling
- Smooks mediator for efficient message transformation
- Enrich mediator for smart message manipulation
- OAuth mediator for 2-legged OAuth support
- Default endpoint UI
- Hot deploy and hot update configuration elements (sequences, endpoints, proxy services etc)
- Transport level statistics collection and monitoring
- POX security support
- Dependency detection and alerting for mediation configuration elements
- Mediation statistics API and custom mediation statistics consumers
- Multiple certificate/identity support in the NHTTP transport sender
- Improved logging capabilities for the NHTTP transport
- Templates based proxy service development in the UI
- Dashboard to monitor server environment and runtime
- Easy creation and management capabilities for dynamic sequences and endpoints
- Pagination to service management, endpoint management and sequence management UIs
- Obtaining resources like WSDL's through web proxy servers
Governance Registry
- Gadgets for impact analysis on services and registry resources
- WSDL custom view
- Dynamic Handler configuration
- Handler simulator
- Tree-based Resource view
- API to govern SOA artifacts
- Complete Web Services API for Registry
- Improved options for Service discovery
- WS-Discovery support
- Scripting support for lifecycle management
- Improved P2 based provisioning and feature management support
- Support for adding remote mounts
- Platform, and Group/Cluster based deployment model
- Support for multiple server instances
- E-mail verification for subscriptions
- Support for deleting tags and comments
- Support for PostgreSQL and DB2 DBMS
- Paged activity and resource search
- Hierarchical permission model with granular and extensible permissions
- Ability to upload metadata (in addition to importing)
- Governance Archive for uploading WSDLs and Schemas with imports
- Ability to update resource content by uploading
- Rich text editor for editing text resources
- XML editor for editing handler, lifecycle and service UI configurations
Web Service Application Server (WSO2 WSAS):
- Component Manager - The UI tool to install/uninstall Carbon featrues.
- Various bug fixes & enhancements including architectural improvements to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart, Apache Sandesha2 , WSO2 Carbon & other projects.
- Equinox P2 based provisioning support - extend your WSAS instance by installin new P2 features. See P2 based provisioning in WSO2 Carbon
- Hierarchical service support for Axis2 services, JAX-WS services, Spring services & Jar services
- Report generation for deployed services
Identity Server:
- SAML 2.0 based Single Sign-on support
- OAuth Support
- Support for bulk-user import
- Various bug fixes and enhancements including architectural improvements to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart, Apache Sandesha2 , WSO2 Carbon and other projects.
1 comment:
Caching surrogate server
A caching proxy server accelerates service requests not later than retrieving pleasure saved from a earlier apply for made near the uniform client or placid other clients. Caching proxies keep village copies of usually requested resources, allowing ample organizations to significantly reduce their upstream bandwidth routine and cost, while significantly increasing performance. Most ISPs and brawny businesses accept a caching proxy. Caching proxies were the start with obliging of proxy server.
Some poorly-implemented caching proxies have had downsides (e.g., an incapacity to inject purchaser authentication). Some problems are described in RFC 3143 (Known HTTP Proxy/Caching Problems).
Another well-connected put into practice of the proxy server is to drop the tools cost. An organism may have many systems on the same network or under oversee of a one server, prohibiting the possibility of an special family to the Internet for each system. In such a patient, the distinct systems can be connected to entire substitute server, and the substitute server connected to the main server.
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