Tuesday, October 13, 2009

WSO2 Releases Goernance Registry 3.0.1, ESB 2.1.1, WSAS 3.1.1, IS 2.0.1 AND Mashup Server 2.0.0

WSO2 announced an another round of release of their famous SOA products.

Although the version numbers say this is minor patch release (Other than the Mashup Server which is shipping as a major release), in fact there are new features and improvements. Some basic new features shares among all of these products are

  1. Improved registry level transaction Support.

  2. Improved Support for deploying on top of Application Servers other than tomcat like WebSphere, WebLogic, and

  3. Support for Eclipse P2 based provisioning. (Yes, you can add/remove features from these WSO2 products , see https://wso2.org/wiki/display/carbon/p2-based-provisioning-support for more details)

  4. Improved Remote Registry model


Peter Hofman said...

How to configure remote registry?
The element in the carbon.xml is deprecated, and configuration has to be done using registry.xml, but there is no documentation about how remote registry should be configured in the registry.xml.

Can you point me to the right docs?


dimuthu said...

Hi Peter,
Here is the updated doc, http://wso2.org/project/registry/3.0.1/docs/user_guide/remote_configure.html#remote-reg (this can be reached trough the project page :)
If you are planning to configure the remote registry in old way, you can still use the 'Registry' element in the carbon.xml. But it is deprecated. So it is recommended to configure the remote registry in database level.
